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1072 AG Amsterdam
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+31 6 46 14 15 00
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1072 AG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 6 46 14 15 00
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- Verona Groverman &Catherine van der Wees (2016) How to green food systems in a gender-smart way – A matter of insight and smart interventions
paper-gender-smart-greening-of-food-systems-dec-2016 - Verona Groverman & Saskia Harmsen (IICD) (2015) Promoting Equal Chances for Women and Men to Use and Benefit from ICT-enabled Solutions
http://iicd.org/documents/promoting-equal-chances-for-women-and-men-to-use-and-benefit-from-ict-enabled-solutions/ - Kees Zevenbergen & Verona Groverman (2014) Evaluation Programmatic Approach ICCO Alliance. Final Report. ICCO Alliance
http://www.icco.nl/Portals/1/Documenten/Evaluation%20IA%20PA%20Final%20Report.pdf - Ben Haagsma & Verona Groverman (August, 2013) Struggle for Land, Water and Food. Final report thematic evaluation for Oxfam
http://www.oxfamnovib.nl/Pub/evaluations/Struggle-for-Land,-Water-and-Food.html - Verona Groverman & Joke Hartmans (December, 2012) Meta-evaluation and Synthesis of the 2010 Pakistan Floods Response by SHO participants. A Synthesis of Conclusions. Report phase 2.
http://samenwerkendehulporganisaties.nl/actions/pakistan-2010/?rapportages - Groverman & J. Kloosterman (Sept. 2010) Mainstreaming a Gender Justice Approach. A Manual to support NGOs in self-assessing their gender mainstreaming competence. Oxfam Novib.
http://genderlinks.org.za/programme-web-menu/mainstreaming-a-gender-justice-approach-a-manual-to-support-ngos-in-self-assessing-their-gender-mainstreaming-competence-2011-06-15/ - Tanne de Goei, Verona Groverman (May, 2009) a world to involve. Report of the Exploratory Study on the GIPA Principle. For STOP AIDS NOW! Partners and Development Projects. t http://www.stopaidsnow.org See factsheets: Factsheet GIPA [UK] Factsheet GIPA [SP]
- Groverman (2007) Test your Organisation with the 12-Boxes Framework. A Facilitators’ Guide to Support NGOs in Self-Assessing their Response to HIV and AIDS in their Workplace and in their Work Using a Gender Perspective. Oxfam Novib.
http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/test-your-organisation-with-the-12-boxes-framework-a-facilitators-guide-to-supp-135013 - Groverman with Margrit Saroufim Mina, Nevine Ebeid Fahim, Magdy Makram Zaka, Suzanne Sedki Fouad, Heba Youssery, Maged Sabry (2005) Gender Equality and Good Governance. Training Manual. CEOSS
TM Gender Equality Good Governance [PDF] - Groverman & J.D. Gurung (2001) Gender and Organisational Change. Training Manual. ICIMOD. Katmandu.
http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org/library/61006 - Groverman (1997) Beyond Food Production. Strategies for food- and nutrition security at household level. Synthesis study VPO-Programme Evaluation Cycle. The Hague.
- van Goor, V. Groverman, S. Matsvai, W. Zoet (1994) Sustainable land use in a setting with limited ecological options. Programme Evaluation on sustainable land use in Botswana. DGIS/HIVOS. The Hague.
- Gianotten, V. Groverman, E. van Walsum, L. Zuidberg (1994) Assessing the gender impact of development projects. Case studies from Bolivia, Burkina Fasso and India. Royal Tropical Institute. Amsterdam. http://www.developmentbookshelf.com/doi/book/10.3362/9781780444512
- FAO (1994) The Group Promoter’s Resource Book. A practical guide to building rural self-help groups (Groverman, V.; Cook,J(ed); Thomas, G. (ed)).
ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/003/T1965E/T1965E00.PDF - Groverman (1993) Participatory Irrigation Management in NWMP. Training module for the Indo-Dutch Training Production Management Unit PMU, Hyderabad.
- Groverman (1992) Participatory Rural Appraisal Methods for Operational Planning. Training module for the Indo-Dutch Training Production Management Unit PMU, Hyderabad.
- Groverman (1990) “Wealth Ranking: A Method to Identify the Poorest” in: RRA Notes 9, April 1990. http://pubs.iied.org/pdfs/G01361.pdf [PDF]
- Groverman (1990) “The role of participatory monitoring and evaluation in problem solving”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, 28 March – 1 April 1990 York, England.